Charlie Furgason, BS, ACSM
Licensed PTX Therapist
Accredited Exercise Therapist
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Who Are We?
Charlie has a Bachelors of Science degree from Michigan State University in Physical Education and Exercise Science. He is a Licensed PTX Therapist and received his Exercise Therapist accreditation from The Egoscue Method® in 2004. He is also certified as an Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine. He has extensive experience in the areas of posture therapy, personal training, weight management, and pulmonary rehabilitation. After spending seven years as an Exercise Physiologist at local Lansing, MI hospitals, he moved on to spend two years as the owner and director of the Lansing, MI Egoscue Method® Clinic. He is now owner of Pain Free Pros specializing in helping clients eliminate chronic pain through PTX Therapy™, a form of Posture Therapy. Charlie has been helping clients through Posture Therapy since 1997.
What We Believe
Pain Free Pros is a Christian owned company. We believe the Bible is the true word of God. We also believe in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that He IS the Son of God. He died on a cross for the sin of All mankind so that we can have eternal life with God in Heaven, sparing us from eternity in Hell.
We believe in the healing power of prayer. God is the great physician and we have faith that He will heal you of physical, mental, or spiritual afflictions. We are happy to pray with our clients in person if they request us to do so, for any need they may have, no matter what religious beliefs they may have. And we always keep our clients in our personal prayers. God will take away our burdens, all we have to do is ask, AND have faith that He will do so. God does hear your prayers.
Prayer requests? Click here.